1. First of all let me wish all of you on behalf of the Clergy a very Happy Easter.  May the Risen Lord fill all of you with His Peace, Joy and Happiness. Let the Easter Celebration deepen our faith in the Risen Lord and transform our life.
  1. Coming Saturday/Sunday Liturgy will be conducted by

Saturday  4.30p.m. by Nazareth Convent

5.30p.m. by  Vailankani  Ward

Sunday    7.00a.m. by  Konkani Choir

8.15a.m. by  Milagres Ward

  1. Feast of Divine Mercy: will be celebrated on Sunday, 28th April during 9.30a.m. Mass.  The Novena Prayers will begin from tomorrow/today,  21st  April at 4.30p.m. On Monday, 22nd April to Friday 26th April the Novena will be at 5.30p.m. followed by Mass.  On Saturday, 27th April at 6.30p.m.
  1. Today onwards we recite “Queen of Heaven Rejoice Alleluia” Angelus instead of “Angel of the Lord” for the whole Easter Season.
  1. Holy Water is kept in the Parish Hall.  Kindly collect the same with the containers.
  1. Special thanks to the Parish Pastoral Parishad Vice President Mrs. Cecilia Pereira, Secretary Mr. Ivan Fernandes, Gurkars, all Parish Pastoral Parishad members, Volunteers, I.C.Y.M. & Y.C.S.  members, Choir members, Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristan Mr. Walter Nazareth and his associates Mr. Ronald Fernandes, Mr. Aeren Lobo, Mr. Joel Concessao,  Rev. Sisters from all the Convents, Liturgical Committee members and  Altar Boys for making the Holy Week liturgy, meaningful and prayerful.  Special thanks to Mr. Bernard D’Souza, Mr. Ronald D’Souza, Mr. Leo D’Souza, Mrs. Nancy Menezes, Mrs. Winnifred Crasta, Mrs. Doris Lobo and all the Volunteers for their selfless service during the Holy Week.
  1. First Communion:

Catechism Class begins on Monday, 22nd April 2019.  Timing 9.00a.m. to 12.00noon.  Place: Monica Hall. Kindly                      report on time. The First Holy Communion is fixed on Sunday, 12th May 2019 during 9.30a.m. Mass.

  1. Confirmation Catechism for S.S.L.C., P.U.C. including Degree Students will continue from Monday in the following week.  All the Students should report at 5.30p.m. to the Parish Hall.
  1. We thank Ward Gurkars/ Representatives who are helping the families to fill the survey forms. I remind once again all the Gurkars/ Representatives to take up the survey work in your respective ward & complete it by the first week of May 2019.
  1. We strongly encourage all the children to attend daily Mass during this Vacation.  Parents kindly encourage your children.
  1. I thank Mr. Richard and Molly D’Souza, Reema Beauty Parlour for donating the Paschal Candle & I thank Mr. Pascal & Irene Saldanha, Milagres Ward  for donating Rs.5,000/- (Five thousand) only towards Holy Week expenses.
  1. “Free DETOX CAMP” is organized for those addicted to Alcohol from 1st May to 10th May at St. Agnes Convent Campus.  Details refer Notice Board.
  1. Sunday collection on 14th April  is Rs.50,470/-.  The collection on Maundy Thursday is Rs.54,100/-               is for Priests’ Aid Fund, Good Friday Rs.89,560/-  is for Holy Land.  Thank you for your generosity.