1. The Love offering of last Sunday is Rs. 68,510/-. Grateful to you for your generosity.
  2. Liturgical Assignments:
    • Saturday
      • 4.00 p.m. by Doctors
      • 5.00 p.m. by Catholic Sabha
    • Sunday
      • 7.00 a.m. by Mother of Sorrows Sodality
      • 8.15 a.m.by English Choir
  3. Meetings & Gatherings:-
    1. Nithyadar Ward meeting & Way of the Cross on Sunday at the residence of Florine Hislop, 902 Casa Grande at 5.30 p.m.
    2. Lourdes Ward meeting on Sunday at the residence of Denis Viola D’Souza, 1206 Falnir Terrace at 5.30 p.m.
    3. We have the Parish Pastoral Parishad meeting on Tuesday, 27th February at 5.30 p.m. Kindly be available. 
  4. We have fixed certain programmes during the Lent. On 7th March we have the Liturgy Seminar, on 11th March Recollection for extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, on 17th March Women’s Day celebration, on 19th March the S.C.C. Convention. These are to make us active and vibrant. We request a minimum of 15 people and even more to participate in it. The details will be intimated to you later.
  5. House blessings are over. If any houses are to be blessed which are left out, you can contact us.
  6. Today we have the Catechism Sunday. We are grateful to the Children for their active involvement. We appreciate the service of the sisters and teachers for their guidance, to the Parents, we appreciate your support.
  7. The painting of both the sanctuaries is in progress. It will be completed before the Holy Week. We thank those who support and even others can come forward.
  8. There is a Charismatic Retreat at Valencia this week from Wednesday to Friday between 5.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. You may attend it.
  9. The Couples married between 15 years, will have an enrichment programme on 3rd March at Padua College at 6.30 p.m. The Couples belonging to Beloved Group and those who wish to join may attend it.
  10. Sponsors for Catechism Sunday:
    1. N.N. – For prizes to the Children. Rs.30,000/-
    2. Jual & Callen Colaco, St. Francis Xavier Ward Rs.10,000/- – For Snacks & Juice to the Children.
      For Church Sanctuary Painting:
    3. George & Judith D’Souza, Carmel Ward Rs.25,000/-
    4. Ivan D’Souza & Family, Monthi Saibin Ward Rs.10,000/-
    5. N.N. (2) Rs.30,000/-
    6. N.N., St. Mary’s Ward Rs.10,000/-
    7. Ivan & Laveena Pinto, St. Aloysius Ward – One Vestament, one Chalice & one Ciborium to the Church.
      We are grateful to the families and we pray for the intercession of Our Lady of Miracles.