Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP)
St. Vincent De Paul (SVP) is an international organization run purely on democratic principles, from top to bottom. The conference is a voluntary community of Vincentians, dedicated to witness Jesus Christ through words and deeds of charity.

About the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent De Paul (SVP) is an international organization run purely on democratic principles, from top to bottom. The conference is a voluntary community of Vincentians, dedicated to witness Jesus Christ through words and deeds of charity.
SVP, Milagres unit is a team of 19 members working relentlessly for uplifting the downtrodden families of our Parish and few from Vorkady Kasargod, by attending to their basic needs like providing weekly ration, medical, education and house repairs.
Adopted families have been closely monitored by the SSVP members evaluating their situation and performance time to time basis to support their dependency. This process shall filter out the absolute needy those who are struggling for survival. During this year 6 beneficiaries aid has been discontinued based on a thorough performance analysis and adopted 2 new needy families. Presently SVP has 19 families from our Parish and 4 from Vorkady, Kasargod.
Besides, our prime focus is on the needy Youths when they stand at the cross roads. Fostering and mentoring until they secure a job, mostly in Technical field. SVP has a special project designed to support this cause by creating an ‘Education Fund’ that focused on beneficiaries’ children such as, guiding them to choose useful courses, helping to secure admissions and finding suitable sponsors to meet their financial requirements.
Under our ‘Reach Out’ plan shortly after the rains, SVP has sketched out a plan to go to Kolangana, Kerala. Preliminary work is already in progress such as, coordinating with the area SVP and Parish Priest.
We thank the Almighty for making us His humble instruments to reach out the downtrodden poor brethren.
Members of S.V.P.
Milagres Conference