- The Love offering of last Sunday is Rs. 59,928/-. Grateful to you for your generosity.
- Liturgical Assignments:
- Saturday
- 4.00 p.m. by Teachers
- 5.00 p.m. by Mother Theresa Ward
- Sunday
- 7.00 a.m. by Milagres Ward
- 8.15 a.m. by Doctors
- 9.30 a.m. by Children
- Saturday
- Our Lady of Sorrows Sodality meeting is on Monday at 5.00 p.m. in Monica Hall.
- Ladies Social Service League meeting is on Wednesday at 5.00 p.m. in Monica Hall.
- On Tuesday, 11th of March, we have the Parish Pastoral Parishad meeting at 5.30 p.m., members kindly attend.
- 5th March is Ash Wednesday. We have Masses at
6.00 a.m. – Konkani
7.00 a .m. – English
9.00 a.m. – for the School Children
6.00 p.m. – Konkani
Kindly attend any one to begin the Lent with prayer and God’s blessings. - In the Lenten season, we have way of the cross on every Friday at 5.30 p.m. in the Church grounds followed by mass and adoration. Guest priests will lead the service. The wards are assigned for liturgy and to lead the way of the cross. Kindly be involved.
- Wilma Andrade is reelected as the Gurkar of St. Francis Xavier Ward. We thank her for the continued service.
- Lenten envelops are sent from the CODP as usual.These will be passed on to the respective wards. A small sacrifice to the poor. Kindly oblige. The gurkars and area leaders kindly arrange to distribute the envelops.
- We will have diverse activities in this season as we used to have it earlier. The Papal intention for the month is to pray for the families in crisis. Let us make this supplication when our families are in trouble. We request you to be involved in the programmes as well.
- Today Sunday at 6.30 p.m, there is a drama “Maria-Avaypana Darya” “ಮರಿಯ-ಆವಯ್ಪಣಾ ದರ್ಯಾ” which will be staged at Kalangan. You are invited.
- St.Thomas Ward families meeting is postponed to next Sunday afer 8.15 a.m. Mass. Kindly note.
- The Women’s Day at Milagres will be celebrated on 16th March at 5.00 p.m. Women kindly reserve the date. More details will follow.