- The Love offering of last Sunday is Rs. 72,270/-. Grateful to you for your generosity.
- Liturgical Assignments:
- Saturday
- 4.00 p.m. by St Francis Xavier Ward
- 5.00 p.m. by Franciscan 3rd Order
- Sunday
- 7.00 a.m. by Lourdes Ward
- 8.15 a.m. by Y.C.S
- 9.30 a.m. by Children
- Saturday
- The Christian Mother’s are having retreat from 29th January to 1st February in Monica Chapel between 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
- Today is the Parish day. Evening 6.00 p.m., we have the cultural programme followed by dinner. Kindly be part of it.
- Last Sunday we had the sports meet. We appreciate the Zonal involvement of the Parishioners and those who have taken leadership for its success. With this you got to know more people and we have so many leaders who can lead.
- We have beautified the Church again with stained glasses affixed to the windows. Our Church has to be beautiful as you are and Our Patron is. Speak well of our Church and motivate the youth and children to visit and to pray.
- On the 3rd of February we begin the house blessings. Next week we have the following wards to be blessed.
- 03.02.2025 Monday & 04.02.2025 Tuesday
- Milagres, St Paul, Nithyadar, St Peter & Lourdes
- 05.02.2025 Wednesday 06.02.2025 Thursday
- Christ the King, Infant Jesus, Mother Theresa, Fatima & Carmel Ward
- 07.02.2025 Friday 10.02.2025 Monday
- St Francis Xavier, St Anthony, Sacred Heart, St Mary’s & Vailankanni Ward
- 11.02.2025 Tuesday 12.02.2025 Wednesday
- Monthi Saibin, St Thomas, St Joseph & St Aloysius
- 03.02.2025 Monday & 04.02.2025 Tuesday
- Ida Sequeira is elected as the Secretary of the Episcopal City Varado Pastoral Parishad. Congratulations to her and best wishes to her.
- Forth coming Sunday is the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, also a day of consecrated life. We pray for all our religious who are at service of the Church.