1. The Love offering of last Sunday is Rs. 67,240/-. Grateful to you for your generosity.
  2. Liturgical Assignments:
    • Saturday
      • 4.00 p.m. by Doctors
      • 5.00 p.m. by Milagres Ward
    • Sunday
      • 7.00 a.m. by Konkani Choir
      • 8.15 a.m. by Christ the King Ward
      • 9.30 a.m. by Children
  3. Ward Meetings & Gatherings:
    1. St. Francis Xavier Ward meeting is on Sunday at the residence of Gerard & Hermie Sequeira, Kalpana Road at 5.00 p.m.
    2. Secular Franciscan Order meeting on Monday in Monica Hall at 5.00 p.m.
    3. Milagres Ward feast celebration is on Saturday at 5.00 p.m. Mass.
  4. Being the feast of Our Lady of Miracles, we wish you a happy feast. May Our Lady of Miracles be our great and strong intercessor of our families.
  5. The masses will be as usual. We keep the Liturgy of our blessed mother for all the masses.
  6. We thank you, the vice president, secretary, the convenor of commissions and commission members, the parish pastoral parishad, finance committee, the pious associations and the four choirs who assist at devotion of the parish community. We also remember those who operate LED to display hymns and prayers during Liturgy.
  7. The Heads of the institutions, the staff and students of our educational institutions are remembered fondly. The religious sisters, extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Eucharist, the catechism teachers’ service too is commendable. The service of the Priests who assist us here, the office staff and the housekeeping staff too is appreciated.
  8. On 28th of July, at 5.00 p.m. we have a film, Face of the Faceless, the life history of Sr. Rani Maria and the work that is done for faith. It’s 2 hours movie, not an entertainment but to strengthen us in faith life. It’s screened in jubilee hall. The Gurkars and the SCC secretaries of the wards are having tickets. The ticket price is Rs. 200/- only which is used for the charitable purpose of people of the area where Sr. Rani Maria worked. Kindly hurry up for the tickets and the priority is for Milagres Parishioners, which will be later extended to others.
  9. Fr. Robin and Fr. Gerald Pinto will be in retreat this week. We wish them a fruitful retreat.
  10. We have distributed scholarship to 42 Parish children amounting to Rs. 2,45,000/- only. We thank the committee which has processed the applications. It’s a small contribution of our Parish children for study.