Altar Servers
The Altar Servers of Milagres are a 60 strong group of boys and girls that serve during all masses including Saturday and Sunday.

About the Altar Servers
The Altar Servers serve all the mass on all occasion including Saturday and Sunday. Our importance is that every Altar Server learns to be good child and follows the path of our patron, St. John Berchmans. We have 60 altar servers that include both boys and girls.
The Altar servers are headed by:
- Director : Fr. Joseph Lobo
- Asst Director: Fr. Anil Pinto
- Animators: Ronald Fernandes, Aeren Lobo & Sr. Sinal AC
The Altar Servers Sodality meeting is held every Sunday after the 9:30 AM mass except on first Sunday of the month. The meeting commences with a prayer conducted by the Altar servers. During the meeting the responsibilities are shared and given to all so that everyone gets a chance to take part in the liturgy. Games are also conducted as a part of the meeting.