1. The Love offering of last Sunday is Rs. 62,200/-. Grateful to you for your generosity .
  2. Liturgical Assignments:
    • Saturday
      • 4.00 p.m. by Fatima Ward
      • 5.00 p.m. by Peter Ward
    • Sunday
      • 7.00 a.m. by Sacred Heart Ward
      • 8.15 a.m. by ICYM
      • 9.30 a.m. by S.V.P
  3. Ward Meetings Today:
    1. St Peter Ward at the residence of Joachim & Irene DSouza, Attavar, Babugudda at 5.00 p.m.
    2. Ladies Social Service League meeting is on Wednesday at 5.00 p.m. in Monica Hall.
    3. Sacred Heart Ward Gurkar election after 7:00 a.m. mass in the Parish hall. All the ward members need to be present.
  4. Next Sunday SVP members will celebrate the feast of their patron at 9.30 a.m. Mass. There after gathering will be with their beneficiaries in the Parish Hall.
  5. The Bishop has called for support to help out the poor families who have no shelter in the Diocese. Already 25 crore has been used to renovate and construct about 238 houses. Your donations may be given by donating the tiles. You may contact the Church office. Details are on the notice board.
  6. Our Nursing College proposal is approved in the Academic Council and the Senate. The government order is awaited. In case if any candidates are there for nursing, you may direct them to us. We wish to begin the course from this academic year itself.
  7. For children will be free from Sunday school on 6th and 13th October. But on 20th they will have a small test.
  8. The mission Sunday calendars and covers are sent to you through gurkars and area leaders. Kindly be generous for the missions. You can make your offering also in the Church office. We have some activities arranged in view of mission Sunday, which will be intimated on successive Sundays.
  9. The Communion to the sick this week:
    1. Tuesday : St. Aloysius, Infant Jesus, Christ the King, St. Anthony Ward.
    2. Thursday : Vailankanni, St. Peter, Milagres, Nithyadar, Monthi Saibeen Ward.
    3. Friday : St. Thomas, St. Mary’s, Fatima, Carmel Ward.