The Annual feast of St Aloysius ward was celebrated on Sunday, 30th June 2024.

A good number of ward members took part in the Holy Eucharistic celebration. Rev. Fr. Robin Santhumayer was the main celebrant.

After the mass, ward members along with the invitees gathered in the parish hall. The programme began with a prayer song and lighting the lamp. Remembered and prayed for the departed members of the ward. Dr. Amitha Lewis welcomed all. Mrs. Mothin Mendonsa, Gurkar, facilitated the guests with the flowers. The annual report was read by SCC Secretary Ms. Sunitha Machado.

Many of our ward members were awarded and recognized for their achievements and services in the field education, literature, sports, and arts. Vicar Felicitated New ward representative Mr Alan Mascarenhas. On this occasion, Rev Dr Michael Santhumayor was also felicitated for completing his PhD.

Message was given by our Parish Priest and by Rev Fr Melwyn Pinto SJ. The Cultural programme was presented by ward members. Mr. Melwin Vas conducted spot games for all the age groups and prayed over the meal. All enjoyed the delicious food. The afternoon session ended with a fun filled Housie Housie game and prize distribution.

Mr Alan Mascarenhas proposed vote of thanks. The Programme was ably compered by Ms. Melita Fernandes and Ms. Sunitha Machado.

Mrs. Sunitha Machado
St Aloysius Ward