1. The Love offering of last Sunday is Rs. 59,550/-. Grateful to you for your generosity.
  2. Liturgical Assignments:
    • Saturday
      • 4.00 p.m. by English Choir
      • 5.00 p.m. by Lourdes Ward
    • Sunday
      • 7.00 a.m. by St. Peter Ward
      • 8.15 a.m. by Commission for S.C.C.
      • 9.30 a.m. by Children
  3. Ward Meetings & Gatherings:
    • Sacred Heart meeting is on Sunday at the residence of Ronald & Lynette Fernandes at 5.00 p.m. The Bishop will attend the meeting.
    • We have the Parish finance council meeting on Monday at 5.30 p.m. Kindly attend the meeting.
  4. The St. Vincent De Paul Society members may visit you these days. Kindly support them to support the needy.
  5. We are privileged and blessed with the visit of our Bishop here to Milagres, for Pastoral visit. We wish him divine graces to shoulder the responsibility of the very Diocese. May Our Lady of Miracles intercede for him. We are also happy to welcome Fr. Thrishan D Souza, the Secretary to the Bishop.
  6. The programme of our Bishop is already intimated to you. We request the Parish community and the concerned to involve themselves whenever it is required.
  7. In view of the Pastoral visit of the Bishop, today evening we have the blessing of the cemetery at 6.00 p.m. At 6.45 p.m. Parish Finance Council meeting and at 7.15 p.m. the Parish Pastoral Parishad meeting. 
  8. Sunday 23rd, the Bishop meets the children at 8.30 a.m. and the youth, pious association members, the commission members, the English and Konkani Choir at 9.30 a.m. in the college auditorium.
  9. Bishop’s programme to the religious houses and their institutions is already intimated to them.
  10. Monday is the feast of St. John the Baptist.
  11. Saturday is the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul the Apostle. We wish our Bishop a happy feast day and their intercession.
  12. The Adoration Chapel is upto date with necessary repairs and matching floor with tiles. It’s a beautiful place to pray. We are very happy so many people coming there especially morning and evening to begin the day and to close the day with Jesus blessing. May it be a place to be with Jesus.
  13. On July 7th we have our Parish feast. In preparation to it we have three days special prayer from 3rd to 5th July. Kindly join in to hail Our Lady of Miracles. If anyone is interested to give Mordom and Pirjent, you are most welcome.
  14. On 29th of this month, we celebrate the Nithyadar Mai feast. It’s a Saturday. Solemn mass is at 5.00 p.m.