(3) Comments

  1. Love and Honour you my Mammi, my Person. You are Everything. Will continue to celebrate The Greatest Lady, Queen, and Mother, the Most Beautiful and Pure. Thank you for all you have given to me and this Universe. “Mother Oh Mother, you are the shining light, Mother you shine so bright.” Rest Blissfully in Jehovah’s Arms. From: Your Favourite.

  2. Time does not heal some wounds. What empowers us to move forward despite them are the sweet memories. The recollections of your matchless beauty, your amazing cuisine, your fathomless love, your innumerable acts of kindness and service. These have been left behind like glittering diamonds in your wake, bursts of light that dispel the darkness, clues for us to find our way. 1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three abide, Faith, Hope, and Love, but the greatest of these is Love.” You are Love. And yes, you are The Greatest of these. Keep shining, Beautiful Mammi. All is well. Thank you. Love you beyond measure.

  3. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
    (John 15:13)
    Until your last breath, you overdid your duty, you thought of others first. You could have had all sorts of help, yet, you chose not to “outsource”. The highest standard of selflessness seen best in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, followed by those very few like Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr…and Beatrice Lily Pereira. Yes, your name features right up there with the all-time Greatest Leaders and Saints. I am the most blest, humbled, and honoured to have witnessed first-hand that example of true Christian love, to call you my Mother. Thank you. Enjoy your peaceful and blissful rest.

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