- On behalf of the Parish Clergy I wish each one of you a very Happy Christmas. May the Lord Jesus bless all of us during this Holy Season with Peace, Joy & Happiness. Please convey our Christmas Greetings to your dear ones who are away from your Homes.
- I take this opportunity to thank the Vice President of Parish Pastoral Parishad Mrs. Cecilia Pereira Secretary Mr. Ivan Fernandes, all the Parish Pastoral Parishad Members, Gurkars, Heads of various Associations, Campus Director and Staff of Educational Institutions, Superior & Sisters of all the Religious Congregation, Rector and Fathers of St. Aloysius Community, Rector, St. Joseph’s Seminary & Community, Jeppu, for their service to the Church.
- Christmas Crib is an added attraction during Christmas. I am grateful to Fr. Edwin Santhosh Monis Asst. Parish Priest, for taking up the responsibility and making a beautiful crib. I also thank Mr. Praveen Kumar, Mr. Raysyn Raymond Pinto, Mr. Ambrose, Mr. Roshan D’Souza and Mr. Edward D’Souza for their whole hearted Co-Operation.
- A special thanks to Mr. Cyprian Vas & the choir members for making the Christmas liturgy meaningful.
- I am grateful to all the Gurkars & Volunteers for arranging the chairs and assisting at the liturgical service.
- Special thanks for the Liturgical Committee Members for organizing the Liturgical service.
- I thank Mr. Walter Nazareth our Sacristan who serve the Church with dedication and love. On behalf of the Community I thank him and pray God’s Blessings upon her family. I also thank the Church office staff and the House Keeping Staff for their service during the year.
- I am grateful to the Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist,Altar Boys and the Youth who always assist during the Festive Season.
- Christmas day Masses: 6.00 a.m., 7.00 a.m., 8.15 a.m. (English), 9.30 a.m. & 5.00p.m., 6.00p.m. St. Antony’s Shrine Mass & Devotion.